We are problem solvers, creating innovative solutions to everyday challenges.

What we do

Designing for the future.

Cleverly curated design is more than just making something look beautiful. It’s about creating an experience in which you want to return to again and again. Carefully considering the air, light, temperature, nourishment, stimulation, comfort and the mind. How we feel about a space can lead our actions, so understanding the psychology of why we react and behave in the way we do, allows us to create solutions which provide us with all those desires and needs.

A multifaceted approach.

At We Are Spaces we consider all aspects of what is needed to create the perfect solution. 

We Are Spaces Prysm

We are passionate about creating solutions that make a difference.

Whether that’s delivering outstanding service, making cost savings for your day to day operations or realising amazing spaces, we are here to support you every step of the way.

we are spaces

Meet the team.

Amy Revell

Co-Founder and Creative Director

Joe Elder

Co-Founder and technical Director

Trevor Creane


Jon Treweek

Finishing Manager

Rebecca Revell

Office & Facilities Manager

Samantha Ripley